Saturday, March 15, 2014

March Resolutions

Since I didn't quite complete everything I wanted to in February, I'm going to lighten up a little in March.

Finish Divergent
I've been reading this YA book for like three months. It's (obviously) not grabbing me, but it's time to put my game face on and just finish it. 

Only Read "Fun" Blogs (e.g. Home Improvement, Design) on the Weekends

I love blogs. Bloggy-blog-blogs. I love them so much that they become a time suck for me. And while I find it thrilling to read about the lives of stay-at-home moms who have tons of time to cover all their stuff in gold spray paint and chevron wrapping paper, it's not really productive for me. I need to be reading about stuff that is pertinent to my own career. But let's be real: I'm not gonna stop reading this stuff. It's Swedish Fish for my brain. So I'm limiting myself to only reading them on the weekends this month. It's actually been a great exercise for me because I find myself scrolling through my blog reader and only reading the posts that are actually interesting to me. I believe I've reduced my wasteful blog reading time by 1 billion percent (+/-). 

Oh, did I mention this is really hard for me? It's March 14th and I'm still going through withdrawals.

Build Something with My Kreg Jig
I WILL DO THIS! I am making this towel rack!

I'll be back in April with an update on my results. Fingers crossed they're better than February

Friday, March 14, 2014

February Resolutions: How'd I Do?

Ummmmm...I didn't quite complete everything I wanted to in February. And I haven't even had time until now to write about it, but it's because I've been doing way more fun stuff, like hanging with two of my favorite people who came all the way down from Massachusetts to spend their Spring Break with us. I have to say, I am quite honored by that.

When it comes to my February resolutions, I was going to say that I bit off more than I could chew, but that's not really true. I actually achieved a lot in February; my achievements just didn't fully align with what I set out to do. I'll explain further below.

Read The Fault in Our Stars
Done and done! And it was great. I cried almost the whole time. I didn't write a review. I'm not sure if I will.

Spruce Up the Guest Bedroom
Did it! And it looks really cute. I have before and after photos, but I'm kind of hesitant to post them. I feel like the photos never look as good as real life and it makes my achievement feel less. I don't know. I still might do a post. 

One of the great things that came out of this room makeover was that I cleaned my garage. They seem like completely unrelated spaces, but since we don't use our guest room a lot, we had taken to storing stuff in there that did not belong, like Chris's hunting and golf stuff. So I moved that stuff into the garage closet, which spurred a huge garage purge and it looks so great in there now. This derailed my other February goals, but I feel fine about it because I am so, so happy with the current state of the garage.

Watch Four Oscar-Nominated Movies
Fail! I watched Captain Phillips, but that was it. I really liked Captain Phillips, and I know I would have liked at least some of the others. I just couldn't bring myself to sit down and watch them. I still plan on watching Dallas Buyers' Club and maybe, m-a-y-b-e 12 Years a Slave if I can handle it emotionally. We'll see. I don't do well with historically accurate movies about horrific times in history (I couldn't even make it through the first 15 minutes of The Pianist).

Make One Project with my Kreg Jig 

Fail! No excuse. I just didn't get to it.

Bonus: Learn the Basics of American Politics 
I kind of did this. I now know who my congress person is and who the U.S. Senators from Texas are. I actually saw a creepy commercial for John Cornyn and knew what he was running for. I also know why John Boehner was sitting behind President Obama during the State of the Union. I'm still confused about the whole Joe Biden thing.