Sunday, June 3, 2012

Major Kitchen Organization Overhaul Update 5: Drawer Liner

Number five on The List is "Install pretty drawer liner." I crossed it off, but I have to warn you: I'm using the word pretty extremely liberally. Let's take a moment to talk about Contact paper. You can buy very pretty drawer liner online or even at Target. But it's expensive! So I went to Wal-Mart (I know, I know...). It was there that I learned that someone is still living in the late 90s; I'm guessing it's their drawer liner buyer. She needs a ride in a time machine stat. Of all the choices, this was the best I could find:

Yes, it's pebbly
So, after spending 30 minutes in the aisle, hemming and hawing over 4 ugly options, I chose the blue pebbles. I just bit the bullet and reminded myself that this is d r a w e r  l i n e r. No matter how ugly, everything's gonna be ok. 

Silverware drawer with the "pretty" drawer liner
It's in all of my kitchen drawers now and the world hasn't ended...yet. Once I put it in, I actually kind of liked it. Shhhhh....

What do you think?


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